What are datacoins?

A new, tradable digital asset that will be secured by and issued on top of the STORE protocol. $STORE is the unit of account in the datacoin economy.

Why are datacoins needed?

  • The explosion of sensors, devices, robotics and autonomous vehicles means the rate at which data grows will increase exponentially

  • Currently, data is crude, fragmented and not machine-learning ready, datacoins provide a mechanism to incentivize developers to clean their data.

  • Once cleaned, datacoins have the potential to redraw information networks & make open data profitable for miners, developers & end users

Key features of datacoins

  • Are emitted and tradable on the schedule of 1MB data = 1 datacoin

  • App & device developers build with each other’s data, API’s & algorithms, in real-time

  • Miners, developers & end users can make money when their data is traded via decentralized exchanges (DEX)

Last updated